Thursday, June 23, 2016

Dondria Nicole Drops Visuals To Recent Single "2 Good"

Dondria Nicole is wasting no time as she drops he official video for one of her two comeback single "2 Good ". In this video is officially fed up with all the mess her now ex has put her through and she's not making him waste her time no more.

Here's what Nicole had to say about the single: “When we’re in new relationships, we’re excited about all the little things Bae does to show us love and affection. And those things make us love them even more. As the puppy love starts to fade, we begin to see their true colors and they ain’t always pretty.”

Also adding on the concept being her writing it: “I wrote ‘2 Good’ with the state of mind that I finally figured out who I was and what I wanted and I wouldn’t accept anything less. I had been in a situation with this guy and he laid it on so thick, he won me over in two seconds. I let my guard down and allowed him in (even with trust issues), only for him to disappoint me time and time again.”

The other single Dondria released is "Luh Ya" featuring rapper Ace B, we wonder if a video for that is also in the works.

For now we're gonna stay tuned and wait for her forthcoming EP The Day of the Don to drop sometime this year. Now check out how Dondria Nicole comes to the conclusion she's "2 Good" for her man below:

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